October Favorites

A lot of bloggers I follow and youtubers I watch talk about their favorite things every month, or every couple of months. I thought it would be fun to start making posts like that so in the future I can look back and reflect on what I was loving, and also to share with you guys some of the stuff I’ve really liked recently. So, without further ado, here are my favorites from the month of October…

One ///// Hot Tea

            I’ve always thought of myself as a coffee drinker, but my RD (resident director) always has hot tea for us when we go to her apartment for our Tuesday night life group. I drank a cup the first night we had the group. It was pumpkin flavored, and I honestly wasn’t too sure about it. It probably wasn’t the best flavor to start out my tea-drinking with because I’m not a huge pumpkin person to begin with. I tried another flavor the next week (I believe it was just chamomile), and I started to like it a little more. I put a little sugar in it this time which made it taste a lot better. Ever since then I have been drinking tea almost every day, and I think it’s safe to say that I am now a tea person, instead of a coffee person like I thought I was. 

Two ///// Habit Tracking

            Another one of my favorites that came out of my Tuesday night life group: habit trackers. My RD printed out a habit tracker that we could write down a few things we wanted to start doing every day, and then you would color in the box next to the corresponding habit. At the end of the month you would end up with some kind of pretty design, which in our case was just a colorful circle. I think this is an awesome idea, especially if you want to start incorporating some new things into your daily life. It really makes you think about doing the things you want to do, and it’s also very satisfying when you get to color in a box.

Three ///// Glee

            I watched Glee when I was in junior high (haha), but I never actually finished all of the seasons. I had been thinking about just starting from the beginning and watching the whole series recently, and I finally did last week. All of the drama, the adorable romances, and the awesome performances make it so good. I literally have to force myself to stop watching and start doing something productive.

Four ///// Podcasts

            I just recently started listening to Podcasts and I love them. I usually listen to them when I’m walking around campus or when I’m driving home on the weekends, and it makes what would be a fairly boring journey a fun one. Some of the ones I’m loving are the She Podcast by Jordan Lee Dooley (which just came out last week), The Porch sermons, and Ultimate Marriage by Dale and Veronica Partridge (even though I’m not married, I still love this one. They give great advice on how your Christian marriages and relationships should be, and also how singles should be preparing for their future marriage).

Five ///// Running

            I saved the most surprising one for last: running. I have never liked to run. I’ve tried multiple times to start getting into running and it just never happened. I hated the way it made my legs and chest burn, and always felt like it was so boring and lasted forever. There are still days where it feels like that, but for the most part I really enjoy it. I normally lift weights before I run, and I’ve gotten to the point where I can’t wait for the lifting to be over so I can start running. I don’t even know who I am anymore (haha). It makes me feel so good and I can definitely tell a difference in how toned my legs have been and how “in shape” I feel. At the beginning of the semester I would die after walking up three flights of stairs to get to my biology class, but now that I’ve started running, I can walk up those stairs without much of a problem.


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